Thursday, February 4, 2016

2-3, After the Snow

What is the point where the excitement for the snow storm diminishes?  Somewhere between 12-16 inches of accumulation.  That's the precise moment when the excitement turns to a sense of complete overwhelm as you ponder how you'll have the strength to shovel it all off your driveway.  It's a humbling moment as you realize the kids think it's great fun and you look at it as a giant chore.  That is why, when the kids did go back to school, I forced myself out into the frigid cold for a post-storm photography walk.  Well, I actually took two walks (and for those of you who know me well, you'll know that anything less than 45 degrees is not my idea of walking weather).  The first walk was after the brief overnight storm that dropped a few inches.  The remaining photos are from the second walk after the big snowfall.  Honestly, as beautiful as it was falling, I was a little disappointed at the lack of awesomeness once the storm had cleared.  Well, maybe that's because at that point I was just 'over' it.... over the continuous shoveling, over the cold and over the thought that it's only just now February and summer is far, far off.  Anyway, it still makes for an interesting comparison from the pre-storm photos to the during and after ones.  And for those of you currently living in warm climates, think of me.  I'm most definitely thinking of you!!

After the first snowfall....

After the big snowfall....

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