Thursday, November 3, 2016

10-31, Self-portrait

As a photographer, I can think of no endeavor more humbling than a self-portrait.  You feel silly enough smiling for your camera on a tripod (over and over and over trying to achieve proper focus and a non-ridiculous pose while thinking, 'now I know this pose looks good when other people do it....').  Then comes the post-processing.  It's one thing to photoshop the wrinkles off of someone else's face, and entirely another to have to do it to your own.  'Where did those lines on my forehead come from? When did I get my mother's hands? What's up with my eyes?!'  I get it-- who cares how the lighting looks, good God look at my smile.  Ugh!  But, I go through this process every year.  I feel it  is necessary on several levels.  How can I tell people how to pose if I can't achieve those poses myself?  I'm comfortable behind the camera, and it's enlightening to feel what others must feel in front of the camera.  Oh, and I guess it's always good to let social media see that I, too, age, just like everyone else.  Time to update that profile picture!  

Hope you like this one, because you'll be seeing a lot of it!

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