Monday, December 14, 2015

12-10, Hudson's 6-Month Session

It had only been two months since I'd done the sibling session with Hudson and his brother.  I was eager to see how much he'd grown and capture his 6-month milestone.  He is fun to photograph because he is so expressive and engaged.  But, boy, did this little guy give me a run for my money this day!  His mom and I were wondering if he was entering a growth spurt because his eating and sleeping schedule had been off and his session fell inconveniently in the middle of the time he would have rather been sleeping than smiling.  He let his frustration be known and we just had to roll with it.  By the end of our hour, I wasn't sure if I had many salvageable images.  Much to my surprise, one would think that this session went a whole lot more smoothly than it did!  How about that, photography is mostly about appearances, right?!  No worries, little Hudson, we all have our days!  I'll see you again in 3 months. And, thank you for the snuggles at the end of the session, that made it ALL worthwhile!


  1. Ummm. . .need some. . .WANT SOME (especially crying pic in basket) #GodparentsRUs, #keepin'itforrealz

  2. Ummm. . .need some. . .WANT SOME (especially crying pic in basket) #GodparentsRUs, #keepin'itforrealz
